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Thank you for stoping in to see what I am all about! A few things you should know about me: I grew up in Memphis, Tennessee and have lived here all my life. Much of my life has been surrounded by engineering minded individuals which has greatly influenced my dangerously logical design abilities. My college career actually started out in pursuit of an engineering degree. Ultimately I found that while I enjoyed that world, my strengths and passions were for art. I switched my major to graphic design and ended up graduating from the University of Memphis in 2010 with my graphic design degree. From there I found myself in many places. Right before graduation I married my amazing husband who has done a wonderful job of encouraging me to be creative and achieve my goals. In doing so, I found myself at the Brooks Museum of Memphis, then Julia D. Azar, then The Memphis Flyer, then Varsity Spirit and American Cheerleader Magazine, and now RocketFuel. I have learned more from these jobs than I can ever begin to fathom. I have learned how to work with very little resources and budget, how to handle difficult clients, how to code emails, how to be the art director of a magazine, how to design websites, how to code a website, and how to juggle a full-time job and be mom of two wonderfylly crazy boys. Thanks to all these jobs and the people I have had the pleasure to work with along the way, I have grown tremendously as a designer and discovered how to find my passions and go for them. Aside from my day job, when I am not chasing toddlers around and goofing off with the husband, I try to sneak in personal design work, some photography, woodworking, painting and some running once in a while. I always love fun new projects, so if you have something you would like me to work on shoot me a message!